Sensitive to Special Needs, Not to False Teaching

RE Gabe Williams discusses with Pastor George his work to meet the needs of people with Autism and ADHD   and how this has impacted his Shepherding in the local Church. Also, Gabe and George discuss the tenor of online discourse in the PCA as we seek to deal with and address issues threatening orthodoxy.

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  1. Having a child with milder autism (Asperger’s) and there being a non-communicative autistic child at our church, I found this conversation interesting.

    • Thanks for sharing! Autism has touched so many families now. I’m glad its getting the attention it needs. I have someone close to me who grew up with it in the 90s, very few people knew what it was. He’s an amazing testimony of God’s goodness as an adult with a great job and perhaps marriage in the not too distant future.

  2. Praise God for Mr. Williams efforts to address the needs of people with Autism and ADHD. Your discussion on what is going on in the PCA is very interesting to me. Thank you for having these discussions. It is comforting to know that there are teaching elders and ruling elders that are standing for God’s truth and not afraid to call out things that are contradictory to God’s word.

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